Why Take a Nitrous Oxide Sedation Course?

Nitrous oxide is a safe and effective way to help patients relax during dental procedures. If you’re a dental professional looking to enhance your skills and provide a higher level of patient care, taking a nitrous oxide sedation course might be the right step for you.

  • Patient Comfort – One of the primary reasons to consider a nitrous oxide sedation course is to improve patient comfort. Dental anxiety is a common issue among patients, and nitrous oxide can help alleviate this fear, making them more likely to seek necessary dental treatment.
  • Enhanced Skill Set – Learning how to administer nitrous oxide safely and effectively is a valuable skill for any dental professional. It expands your repertoire of techniques to provide comprehensive patient care.
  • Safety – A nitrous oxide sedation course ensures that you understand the proper protocols, dosage, and monitoring required to administer nitrous oxide safely.

Enroll in a Course Today

A nitrous oxide sedation course is an excellent investment in your dental career. It equips you with the knowledge and skills to provide great patient care and ensure the safety of your patients. Consider enrolling in a course today, Sunrise School of Dental Assisting offers courses that cover a broad variety of subjects. Reach out to us today to learn more!

What You Should Know Before Pursuing a Dental Assistant Career

Although many people think being a dental assistant would be nice, most people have no idea what skills they must possess to be successful dental assistants. Instead of jumping into pursuing a dental assistant degree without any insight about the job, we want to give you a few tips, so you know a bit about what to expect. Here are some things you should know before pursuing a career as a dental assistant:

The field is growing – There will always be a need for dentists, no matter how good technology gets. Almost everyone on earth has had teeth at some point in their life and if they still do, then they will likely need to see a dentist at least once. This means there is job security for dental assistants in the future.

Strong customer service skills are necessary – A safe statement to make is that if you can’t provide people with good customer service, then you shouldn’t pursue a dental assistant career. A huge part of the job is warmly greeting customers and building up a client base. This will help you keep a steady stream of clients coming back year after year.

Need to be able to communicate well – If you can’t communicate with coworkers and clients, your dental assistant career will fail. You must be able to communicate clearly with the team of dentists you are working with. There will be a lot of clients and you must be able to keep them all straight and communicate their needs to the dentist you are working with.

Need to be able to move your hands precisely – Working on teeth requires a high level of precision and attention to detail, which is something not everyone has. If you don’t have a steady hand and struggle to notice small details, you should choose a different career path.

Can work in a high-stress environment – There are times when a client will be upset or in a lot of pain and you have to stay calm and continue the procedure. If that kind of pressure is too much for you to handle, then you should skip pursuing a dental assistant career.