

Looking for a Career Change?

For one reason or another, many Americans end up changing careers at some point in their lives. According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Current Population Survey, about 6.2 million workers (4 percent of the total workforce) transferred from one occupational group to another between 2015 and 2016. Despite those numbers, changing careers remains confusing and challenging for many people. It can be hard to determine what steps to take when seeking a new job or exploring all of the adult education options available.

If choosing a new career is looking too complicated, read our simple tips on how to make your occupation change easier. We’ve also done a little premature job searching for you; did you know that the healthcare industry is projected to add more jobs — more than 4 million — than any other industry between 2012 and 2022? Dental assisting, in particular, has excellent career projections. Keep reading to find out why we recommend it for your adult job search.

Tip 1 – Seek guidance.

What are your interests? If you left your old job, what caused you to step back? If you’re not sure which direction your sails are taking you, seek out some guidance from personality and career tests. Many interest assessments are available online for a range of costs – some are even free. However, according to Forbes, it’s important to remember that these assessments are only offering advice. While personality and career tests make excellent tools, you should base your occupational choices on more than just an online quiz.

Tip 2 – Don’t Panic!

Worrying about finding a new career isn’t going to ease the process; it will probably just make it harder. Remember that careers are a lifelong pursuit and that no matter your age or ability, it’s okay to start anew far after you first graduated from high school or college. While finding the right job can be a tricky and time-consuming task, it is still something you can achieve, so long as you remain determined and focused.

Tip 3 – Check the market.

What occupations are growing right now? Which ones aren’t? It’s important to do your research before jumping into a new industry after paying for expensive adult education classes. Seeking out a job that isn’t hiring will only leave you frustrated.

Tip 4 – Consider your investment.

Many adult job seekers struggle with a career change because they don’t have the time or money to invest in more education. If you need to further your education to switch jobs, consider affordable continuing education programs that offer flexible learning times. While that might sound limiting, more schools are offering different times to meet the demand for adults who want to change careers.

If you want to find an occupation with favorable growth prospects and an above-median paycheck, consider a career in dental assisting. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, dental assisting is projected to add more than 64,000 jobs within the 2016-2026 decade; the career ranked sixth on their “Most New Jobs” list for occupations typically requiring an associate’s degree or postsecondary nondegree award.

If a stable, promising career in dental assisting appeals to you, contact us today!

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