- Basic credit/income verification required
- Apply online for an immediate answer!
- If approved, you will receive up to 12-months interest free!!!
- Contact the office for more details and how to apply
Archives: Financings
Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) / NC Works
The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is the nation’s principal workforce development legislation, providing funds to address the employment and training needs of adults, dislocated workers and youth.
Find your local Workforce office: http://www.ncawdb.org/local-boards/
Auto-Draft Monthly Payment Plan
- 4 month automatic draft payment plan
- Minimum initial deposit of $900.00 required
- Monthly draft of $623.75 or Bi-Weekly drafts of $311.88
- Payments will be automatically drafted from your account on the days you specify
½ and ½ Payment Plan
Students are able to pay ½ of the tuition balance by the orientation date and the remaining balance by the midterm exam (about halfway through the program).
Pay in Full by the Orientation Date
Call for more information on current discounts offered!